A one day out-door exhibition in celebration of National Relaxation Day organized by Jory Rabinovitz
"Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are."
-Ancient Chinese Proverb
Caught in limbo between polarities of form and function, not-landscape and not-architecture, autonomy and commodity and so on: a clear definition of sculpture remains obscured. If anything, these oppositions appear not to contradict or contain themselves. They rather agree to disagree to an ever-growing multivocal description rather than definition. Financial declination and the requisite art market fall have lead artists and curators to rapidly search for “alternative space” to fill the chasm of fleeting gallery/institutional space. This alternative space moves slowly towards acting as geist, a mouthpiece to a moment of a discombobulated art world. This surrogate space is too in need of definition as it becomes more co-opted, standardized and needed. Questions frolic, courting answers. Terms and definitions seek elucidation. Perhaps a day will come when these inquisitions will be at rest. This day will not be August 15th. In observance of National Relaxation day, 26 artists each with a unique notion of sculpture have been invited to “relax” their sculptures on park benches In Peter Cooper park. Simply to offer their work a day off work, pieces some peace, reliefs relief. Stripped of all definitions and terms sculpture may lean back, max, relax and sit on its own terms, if only for a day.
Paticipating Artists:
Alexander May
Andres J Laracuente
Cayetano Ferrer
Charles Harlan
Davida Nemeroff
Georgia Gray
George Raggett
Grayson Revoir
Halsey Rodman
John Bianchi
Joshua Smith
Julia Weist
Lucy Dodd
Martha Mysko
Miles Huston
Nick van Woert
Pam Lins
Patrick Walsh 3
Per Billgren
Peter Harkawik
Phillip Birch
Saki Sato
Sean Townley
Siebren Versteeg
Virginia Poundstone
Zak Kitnick
A one day out-door exhibition in celebration of National Relaxation Day organized by Jory Rabinovitz
"Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are."
-Ancient Chinese Proverb
Caught in limbo between polarities of form and function, not-landscape and not-architecture, autonomy and commodity and so on: a clear definition of sculpture remains obscured. If anything, these oppositions appear not to contradict or contain themselves. They rather agree to disagree to an ever-growing multivocal description rather than definition. Financial declination and the requisite art market fall have lead artists and curators to rapidly search for “alternative space” to fill the chasm of fleeting gallery/institutional space. This alternative space moves slowly towards acting as geist, a mouthpiece to a moment of a discombobulated art world. This surrogate space is too in need of definition as it becomes more co-opted, standardized and needed. Questions frolic, courting answers. Terms and definitions seek elucidation. Perhaps a day will come when these inquisitions will be at rest. This day will not be August 15th. In observance of National Relaxation day, 26 artists each with a unique notion of sculpture have been invited to “relax” their sculptures on park benches In Peter Cooper park. Simply to offer their work a day off work, pieces some peace, reliefs relief. Stripped of all definitions and terms sculpture may lean back, max, relax and sit on its own terms, if only for a day.
Paticipating Artists:
Alexander May
Andres J Laracuente
Cayetano Ferrer
Charles Harlan
Davida Nemeroff
Georgia Gray
George Raggett
Grayson Revoir
Halsey Rodman
John Bianchi
Joshua Smith
Julia Weist
Lucy Dodd
Martha Mysko
Miles Huston
Nick van Woert
Pam Lins
Patrick Walsh 3
Per Billgren
Peter Harkawik
Phillip Birch
Saki Sato
Sean Townley
Siebren Versteeg
Virginia Poundstone
Zak Kitnick